Nick Bingham, Caleb Ellis, Colter Ellis, Ben Hagaman, Laurel Hagaman, Holly Miller, Adam Morgan, Markham Orange, Taylor Smith, Aaron Whittemore, Hanna Hagaman, Scott Hagaman, Melanie Orange, Steve Pierce, Matt Roberts, Dan Smith.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 6: Saturday - Workday (part 2)

We rolled into the Belmopan Baptist High School around 8:30 this morning.  Melanie and Lydia went to Marla's to finish the mural; the rest of the group was ready to tackle painting the school.  Hannah and Matt worked out a plan to to divide the job into rollers and trim painters.  Half started on the second floor, the other half on the bottom floor.  In a couple hours the ceiling of the porch had been rolled and most of the trim around the windows was done.  After a water break, the rollers got the walls done and the trim painters finished the high areas.  After lunch, the lower part of the walls was painted brown and the brown trim around the doors was completed.  We were helped by Jose, Manuel and Enrique - students at the high school - as well as Pastor Norman Willacy, principal of the school and the school caretaker.  With all that help we not only got all the front exterior done, but also the two ends of the building too.  All that by 2:00 this afternoon.  Prayers for good weather were answered; we had sunny skies, a breeze ,and were shaded by the porches we were under.

After a group shot in front of the school, we decided we could all go to Spanish Lookout for ice cream.  Western Dairy is sort of the Jack Frost of Belize (don't worry Jim, yours is still the best!)  Spanish Lookout is a Mennonite community in this district of Belize, with large farms and pastures.  It is very un-Belizean because the Mennonites have preserved their culture and traditions.  We were back at the BTC by 4:00 ready for showers and down time until dinner.

A few photos:
 Belmopan High School before

 Aaron painting the ceiling


Group photo - can you tell what color we painted?

We will be worshipping tomorrow with our brothers and sisters at Belmopan Baptist Church, as you will be at home as well.  We will worship together in spirit and truth. Tell our church family that we are well, putting our all into the mission, and growing spiritually.  We do miss our families and covet your prayers of support.

After church we are eating a bag lunch on the road on the way to the Mayan ruins at Xunantunich.  It will be another adventure for the youth - they can explore the ancient temples and buildings at the site.  We will end the day with a traditional Belizean dinner at Clarissa Falls Resort and Restaurant and devotions when we return.  


  1. We'll miss everyone at worship today but we know you'll have a fabulous day! Y'all have done an awesome job. Praying for everyone as you travel around for some well deserved R&R!
    Love & prayers,
    Cy, Ellen, & Emily

  2. Another great painting transformation...I need to hire some of you to help me paint my interior! Great to see my guy painting with a smile on his face, AND he DID wear that straw hat afterall! No blotflies on his scalp upon return!!
    Thanks Steve for the pics and updates...love the group pic with the smiles and paint on them as well as the building.
    Prayers for another great day!
