Nick Bingham, Caleb Ellis, Colter Ellis, Ben Hagaman, Laurel Hagaman, Holly Miller, Adam Morgan, Markham Orange, Taylor Smith, Aaron Whittemore, Hanna Hagaman, Scott Hagaman, Melanie Orange, Steve Pierce, Matt Roberts, Dan Smith.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 4: Thursday – Workday (Part 2)

Marla’s House of Hope is freshly painted inside and out.  The mural is nearing completion.   The King’s Children’s Home has a fresh coat of paint on its exterior.  Two homes for children are a little nicer than they were.  The children can take a little more pride in where they live because of the labor of our youth.  In speaking with several of the children at both homes, they said they liked the new colors on the walls, and we know they enjoyed the company of our youth.

When we have been painting, the children always want to help.  They will freely pick up any brush or roller that is laid down.  Letting them help allows them to take part in fixing up their home.  It also takes patience and more patience.  Sometimes it creates more work, depending on how skilled or old they are.  We often found ourselves repainting the sections that children had painted.  

We ended our day a little early today, so one van went to the Village of Armenia to see our friend Ramon.  He is 80 years old, and we have known him for many years.  One of our construction teams built a small house for him several years ago, and he is always seen by our medical teams in January.  Ramon only speaks Spanish, so we relied on Eric Burton to translate for us.  Another van took care of business by getting more supplies for the mural and for the next work project on Saturday.

I asked the youth if they wanted to add to the blog.  Laydon Hutchins was the first to volunteer:

So far the trip has been an incredible and eye opening experience filled with excitement and lots of big hearts seeing the children. It was so incredible seeing the work we had accomplished and how the children offered to help and paint right beside us just touched my heart. I can’t wait to see the rest.
--Laydon Hutchins

Mornings are better for posting pictures, so I will try tomorrow.


  1. So nice to hear the words of one of the youth members. Steve, again, thank you for this blog. I miss Emily terribly and it is really nice to read of the wonderful things you all are doing. This truly is a blessing in every aspect. Can't wait 'til the morning for your next post. Have a wonderful Friday! Tell Emily I said hello and I love her! And I'm so proud that she is part of this wonderful trip. What a great experience for all involved and an experience I am sure will impact them all for the rest of their lives.

    Renee, Greg & Paige.

  2. I have enjoyed getting to know Emily. She is a hard worker and always pleasant to be around. I am glad she is on this mission with us. I will pass your message on to her.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. *Had to delete the last post due to too many spelling errors! Went to refill my coffee cup so here we go:

    Enjoy your day at the cave!! So wonderful to be able to take a break!
    Tell Holly that we are so sorry she is missing out helping us move Alisha from Shelby to Gastonia....we know she's heart broken!! ;) LOL!! Missing her like crazy!
    Continued love & prayers being sent out to everyone! Y'all are half way there...
    Cy, Ellen, & Emily

  5. Hi Taylor and Dan and Belize team! I can't wait to get uo each morning and read about yor adventures! So exciting!
