Nick Bingham, Caleb Ellis, Colter Ellis, Ben Hagaman, Laurel Hagaman, Holly Miller, Adam Morgan, Markham Orange, Taylor Smith, Aaron Whittemore, Hanna Hagaman, Scott Hagaman, Melanie Orange, Steve Pierce, Matt Roberts, Dan Smith.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 2: Tuesday - Work Day

It is early yet, so only a few of us are stirring, but "official" 6"30 AM wake-up is minutes away.  Jane and Laticia are preparing breakfast.  All of us have some morning quiet time for devotions before or after breakfast.  We prepare to leave for Marla's House of Hope at 8:00 this morning.

Please be in prayer for us as we begin our work today.  We will be preparing to paint inside and out (if the rain hold off for outside) and meeting the children.

A word about the weather - there has been a lot of rain over the past week, so there is standing water along the roads.  We hope will have brought some Carolina sunshine and blue skies with us!  More on our day later.

New picture added to the post below - check it out.


  1. Awesome picture below!! Thanks for posting this great blogs, Steve, and we are praying y'all will have clear skies today!
    Love & prayers to everyone!!

  2. I cannot begin to tell you what this blog means to me. Thank you for putting this together and it made me feel quite proud to see Emily's smiling face in your photo. Praying for success, good weather and an awesome experience for all.

    Renee & Greg Fender

  3. We are glad to hear everything is goinggoing well. Love the picture! Sending some NC sunshine your way! We will continue to pray for you and this amazing mission outreach opportunity. Love to all!

  4. We have thought about you all so many times today and wondered what you were doing at the time. Can't wait to hear about your first day of work! Love you all!

  5. So glad for your safe arrival and to see the group's smiling faces as they begin this wonderful journey. I know that God is excited about all that is ahead for each of you! Many thoughts as you begin your 1st day of mission. Steve, thanks so much for this blog!!!
    Also, tell Hanna that Rachael says that little Felix's leg seems to be good so far, and both cats are fine!
    Much love to each!

  6. I am so thankful for your safe travel. Loved the picture!!! It's good to get updates since we cannot directly communicate. Everyone is in our prayers!! Stay safe, remember the sunscreen and bug spray!!!
