Nick Bingham, Caleb Ellis, Colter Ellis, Ben Hagaman, Laurel Hagaman, Holly Miller, Adam Morgan, Markham Orange, Taylor Smith, Aaron Whittemore, Hanna Hagaman, Scott Hagaman, Melanie Orange, Steve Pierce, Matt Roberts, Dan Smith.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 3 - Wednesday Workday (part 2)

A sunny and hot day in Belize today.  Our team separated into two groups today; the larger group returned to Marla's House of Hope while the smaller group went to the King's Children's Home.  Both groups painted at the homes.  At Marla's the work shifted to painting the exterior.  The building is two tone blue with lots of exterior wall space and a porch with a concrete lattice rail that was tedious to paint.  The mural group painted outside in the morning and then on the mural in the afternoon.  By the end of the day most of the house had been painted.  Some touch-up and trim painting needs to be finished tomorrow, and an interior hallway needs a second coat.

At the King's Children's Home two dormitory rooms were painted first.  Six of our youth tackled the task of moving bunks and painting in a girl's dorm room and a boy's dorm room.  The boys room contained 10 bunks and only one or two other pieces of furniture.  That is 20 boys in a narrow room with bunks lined end-to-end on both sides of the room.  A coat of paint was on the girl's room and part of the boy's room by lunch.  After lunch six new youth came to the KCH to finish the boy's room, second coat the girl's room and paint in the kitchen.

It is amazing to see how well everyone is working together.  The painting at the KCH is a challenge with dozens of children wanting to help and wanting attention.  The rooms are cramped and hot.  Yet, the inside painting was completed.  At Marla's the main areas of the outside are freshly painted and the children also pitched in.  This may have been the most demanding day on the youth physically and emotionally, as the reality of life at an orphanage began to sink in.  Despite some difficult conditions our youth were both compassionate and industrious.

We look forward to a restful night and a full day of work tomorrow.  We will divide again to complete painting projects at both children's homes.

Prayers for our own families and our church family back home.  More tomorrow.


  1. Tell the youth we are so proud of them, after such hard work and good spirits despite such difficult conditions outside at the Marla home and inside the Kings orphanage! Prayers for another full and fulfilling day! Love to all!
    Debbie, John, Rachael and Morgan
    P.S. Happy Birthday Melanie!!!

  2. We have an incredible group of youth, do we not!?! :) Interior/Exterior painting + a hot environment is tough and demanding. So proud of our youth and the lives that they are touching at both homes. Those children will remember them coming to help make their homes beautiful AND they will remember their compassion and friendliness. Our hearts go out for all of you as you all deal with the emotional & the physical challenges. Praying that the Lord gives you all a peace that surpasses understanding, determination to do what you were called there to do, and rest to give you the strength to continue the awesome work you are doing. Continuing to pray for the entire team!
    Cy, Ellen, & Emily
    **P.S. Yes!! Happy Birthday to Melanie (yesterday!) **

  3. Prayers are yours every day! Love the photos you've been able to include too - particularly being able to see my niece & some of her scripture artwork. I pray that mighty might work is being done for God's Kingdom - and I know it is=) Happy happy day in Belize to each one of you! Love, Grace's Aunt Wizey=)
