Nick Bingham, Caleb Ellis, Colter Ellis, Ben Hagaman, Laurel Hagaman, Holly Miller, Adam Morgan, Markham Orange, Taylor Smith, Aaron Whittemore, Hanna Hagaman, Scott Hagaman, Melanie Orange, Steve Pierce, Matt Roberts, Dan Smith.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 1: Arrival in Belize

FBC Marion Youth on Arrival at the Baptist Training Center

We had a smooth flight and arrival in Belize today.  We cleared immigration and customs, than loaded our luggage and ourselves in vans and headed west from Belize City toward Belmopan.  Only a couple miles from the airport one of the vans overheated, so we reloaded luggage and passengers into the other  vans and made our way to Cheers Restaurant for lunch.  From the water along the sides of the road, it was evident that a lot of rain has fallen over the past week.  After leaving Cheers we drove the rest of the way to Camelote and the Baptist Training Center.  Once there we settled into our rooms and had a chance to relax before dinner.  It rained hard during the afternoon.

Jane and Laticia prepared dinner - fried chicken, mashed potatoes, beans, and watermelon - the first of many good meals we will eat this week.  After dinner devotions and then an early bedtime due to a long day of travel.

Everyone is well and we are looking ahead to a good night's rest and a full day of work tomorrow.  You are in our prayers, and we rest knowing we are in your prayers.


  1. We are so pleased you arrived safely! Dog is fine but in a cast, won't chase cars anymore ;). Can't wait to hear more about your adventures. Praying for you all, Sara and Sterling Smith

  2. Wonderful! We are happy that your day went pretty smoothly and hope that everyone is able to rest well tonight.
    Greg, Heather, and Molly Anderson

  3. Hurray!! So glad that you all arrived safe and sound. Hope everyone was able to get a good nights' rest & is ready to roll out this morning! Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers! Can't wait to hear more about the work being done and the adventures that will take place!
    Cy, Ellen, & Emily Miller

  4. Glad you're there safe. I assume that's my daughter turned around and yaking! Keep her busy! God bless you all.

  5. So glad you're safely there. Know you will be a blessing and receive a blessing.

  6. I don't think there has been one mission trip where we havn't had van trouble. Steve I guess your just lucky that way...lol
