Nick Bingham, Caleb Ellis, Colter Ellis, Ben Hagaman, Laurel Hagaman, Holly Miller, Adam Morgan, Markham Orange, Taylor Smith, Aaron Whittemore, Hanna Hagaman, Scott Hagaman, Melanie Orange, Steve Pierce, Matt Roberts, Dan Smith.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 4: Thursday - Workday

It has been getting light a little after 5:00 AM and by 6:00 the sun is peeking through the morning haze.  Today will be hot and humid, pray the rain holds off so we can finish outside painting projects at both children's homes.

Matt has prepared a devotion booklet for everyone with evening group devotions and an individual morning devotional.  Devotions each night are family-led, so the youth lead through prayer, sharing about the day, and dreading the day's selected scripture.  Matt then has a short devotional based on the Scripture, relating it to our experience here in Belize.  We break into our families for discussion questions, the return to the whole group for final discussion.  Matt is doing an excellent job in both organizing everything, but also seeing to the spiritual growth on this trip.  Later in the week we will be using Philippians chapters 1 - 4 in our devotions.

Jane and Laticia are keeping us well nourished.  Breakfasts are usually bacon and eggs with toast or cinnamon buns and fresh fruit.  Dinners have been fried chicken, spaghetti, and last night stew chicken with rice and beans.  Everyone is eating well.

Thanks for you words of encouragement and prayers.  A few pictures from yesterday at KCH:

Part of boys dorm room before  painting

The same part of the room after painting.  Some of the boys cleaned the room before moving the beds back in place.

Holly painting with a smile. 

Adam on the high ladder painting the kitchen at KCH

Teamwork - holding the ladder for Adam (nice shoes, Adam).  


  1. Lifting you all up today! Thank you again, Steve, for keeping us "involved" through this blog. We anticipate the updates and enjoy reading them! Your words are a gift to us parents & loved ones and, I'm sure, to the rest of our FBC Marion family.
    Side note...how's Hanna feeling? I know she went off w/ a yucky allergy issue. Tell her I hope that she is feeling better!
    Love to all,
    Ellen, Cy, & Emily

    1. Hanna is feeling fine. Dr. Melanie has fixed her up. Many thanks for the prayers. I have shared some of the comments with the group. I read one of yours and Holly knew right away it was yours because "it was the longest one." Haha!! Your words are encouraging to us.

  2. The newly painted room looks so refreshing! Nice work!

  3. Nice work! We look forward to reading the blog each day and finding out what exciting things are happening in Belize. Prayers continue daily! Love to all and a special "Happy Birthday" to Melanie.

    Bobby, Jill and Will

  4. Fantastic work. It is amazing how a little paint will change the look of a place. Thanks for spreading God's love with brushes & rollers!

    Melanie & Steve Mc.

  5. Happy Birthday Melanie!! Blessings to all.

    Alyson Shirer

  6. The paint job looks great!! I am sure you all have received many blessings, as well as giving them. Prayers for a restful night and a fantastic time at the cave tomorrow! You wouldn't believe how many people are following you and praying for you and those you are serving. Thanks be to God!! Have fun tomorrow!

    The Andersons, Shooks, Wakefields, Morgans

  7. I really miss Belize looking over the blog!! :( I wish I was there with you guys! Anyone want to go to work for me so I can join? ;) haha I'm going home to Marion this weekend to visit Mom and Dad and enjoy some Lake Tahoma, so I will see other church-folk this Sunday :)

    Good luck and have fun everyone!!
    Anne Evans

  8. Caleb, I was so upset I missed your call! I really miss you guys. The painted room looks great! Now the first thing those kids will see every morning and the last thing they will see at night is a gift you all gave them. It will brighten their lives more than you might realize. I am so proud of all of you and I love reading the blog. Keep posting!
