Nick Bingham, Caleb Ellis, Colter Ellis, Ben Hagaman, Laurel Hagaman, Holly Miller, Adam Morgan, Markham Orange, Taylor Smith, Aaron Whittemore, Hanna Hagaman, Scott Hagaman, Melanie Orange, Steve Pierce, Matt Roberts, Dan Smith.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 5: Friday - ATM Cave

To answer your questions:
1. Yes, we went into the ATM Cave.
2. Yes, we came out of the ATM Cave.
3. Yes, the same number that went in came out!

The cave adventure was one that most will not forget.  Here is a sampling of words heard after the trip:
One of the greatest experiences in my life.
A once in a lifetime trip.

We rode for almost an hour over a bumpy gravel road to the parking area.  We were given helmets to carry along with our water and lunch.  We hiked through the rain forest for 45 minutes to the area at the mouth of the cave.  Along the way we had to wade across Roaring Creek 3 times.  Once at the cave we were given lights to put on our helmets and left our lunches and water behind.  The entrance to the cave   has a deep pool of water formed by the stream that flows through the cave.  After swimming 20 feet to a rock ledge we began to walk up the stream further into the cave.  Our lamps on our helmets were the only light we had.  The stream depth varied from ankle deep to chest high.  Some places the cave was wide, others you had to squeeze between rocks.  In several places the water was rushing over boulders in the stream bed.  After 30 minutes of walking upstream we climbed above the stream and took off our water shoes to explore the Mayan artifacts.

The Mayans used the cave between AD 250 - 900, venturing farther in as time passed.  It was a ceremonial cave used for religious rites that eventually included human sacrifice.  Since everything taken into the cave was consecrated, nothing was removed; so the cave is littered with pottery of all sizes.  All them were purposely broken or had a hole put in them as a part of ceremonial rites.  At some points in the cave skulls and other bones are visible.  At the end of the cave, in a niche that is reached by a ladder, is the complete skeletal remains of the "the Crystal Maiden" - probably a 14 year old girl.

In addition to the artifacts, the cave has stalactites, stalagmites, columns, and other geologic formations. All together you have a cave trip, and archaeological site, and the adventure of climbing up a stream in the cave.  It was a trip to remember.

Unfortunately, cameras have been prohibited from the cave, so no one was able to take any pictures.  Matt and I have pictures from January, and we will include them on the CD that is compiled after the trip.

One last note.  Some of the girls were in a quiet part of the cave with their guide when they began to sing "Amazing Grace."  Their voices echoed through the cave as they sang.  All those choir practices and performing has influenced our youth.  They are a blessing!

Dinner is in an hour or so - stew beef with vegetables and rice, followed by devotions and a good night's rest after our adventures.  Tomorrow is another workday; painting again at Belmopan Baptist High School.  Pray for good weather.


  1. Amazing!!! What an adventure! We can't wait to hear more when you return. I got chills at the thought of the girls singing "Amazing Grace"! It just goes to show how all of the experiences these kids have growing up contribute to the people they become...and they are WONDERFUL kids!!! Thanks to all who are shaping them as they grow. It truly does take a village to raise a child, and we have a fantastic village at FBC Marion!

    Love to all! Grace, we miss you bunches!!!!
    Greg, Heather, and Molly

  2. Wonderful, Wonderful! I could picture the whole thing and I too like Heather got chills imagining the girls voices being lifted in song. We feel so blessed that Holly is a member of such a wonderful group of youth and I know she'll remember this trip forever. We love being part of the village. :)
    Miss you Holly!
    Cy, Ellen, & Emily

  3. Wow! What an incredible adventure you all are having. I have enjoyed keeping up with all you are doing. What a blessing you have been to all of the people there and to all of us reading the blog at home. It looks like you have done a wonderful painting. (Great job on the lettering, Grace!) I pray you continue to have a wonderful trip.


  4. This is truly an amazing account of today's adventure!! I am envious! So thankful you were able to go there and experience a part of the Mayan history that not many have and will, as well as grateful for our wonderful Church family that worked and financially contributed so that all of you could have this experience!
    Please tell Aaron to try calling me again...I missed his call twice... my ringer was off :( Love to my boy and to all of you!

  5. What a day!!! These experiences will never be forgotten. We know that this trip is strengthening relationships and drawing you all closer to Christ! We are proud of you and keep everyone in our prayers! We love you and miss you Laydon!

    Love, Mindy, Tim and Rachel

  6. It was fantastic to hearabout your cave adventure! You are so fortunate to be able to experience the Mayan history as well as glimpses of God's handiwork. Life is good'
    A special thank you to the awesome FBC group for Will's "Happy Birthday" song. He was so excited to hear from his brother and you guys singing made his evening
    Love to all!

    Bobby Jill and Will

  7. Oh how I would have LOVED to have heard the singing of Amazing Grace inside the caves! Thanks SO MUCH for all of the posts!

    Safe travels home and can't wait to hear from you guys in church August 5th!! Love you Grace!!

    You're all in my prayers,
