Nick Bingham, Caleb Ellis, Colter Ellis, Ben Hagaman, Laurel Hagaman, Holly Miller, Adam Morgan, Markham Orange, Taylor Smith, Aaron Whittemore, Hanna Hagaman, Scott Hagaman, Melanie Orange, Steve Pierce, Matt Roberts, Dan Smith.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 10: Wednesday - San Pedro and Day 11: Thursday - HOME

This was a relaxing day for us all.  There were a couple excursions for some and a lot of pool, sea, and shopping time for most everyone.  After breakfast the bicycle group of 8 took off for the north island. We rode along the beach for several miles looking at the Caribbean Sea on one side and some impressive homes and condos on the other side.  Lunch was a a small seaside restaurant.
A couple pictures:

 The pier at our restaurant

Restaurant parking lot

Four of our group took advantage of an opportunity to go fishing at sea this morning.  Jake seems to have been the lucky one to land a five foot barracuda.  Lots of fish were caught (or so the tale is told) but no proof, the fish were returned to the sea after they were caught.

Pizza was delivered at the villas tonight and after devotions we walked for ice cream.  Packing and one last swim on the pool before bed.

The morning will be busy with checking out, eating breakfast and catching the 8:00 AM water taxi.  We meet our vans in Belize City then then transfer to the airport.  We will check bags, go through security, and wait for our flight which departs at 12:50.  Arrival in Charlotte at 6:12 PM.  It will take time to clear immigration and customs, get he bus from parking, load up and drive to Marion.  We will let the call chain know if we are ahead or behind schedule once we are on the road from the airport.  We are all looking forward to seeing family at FBC Marion tomorrow night.  

We know prayers for travel mercies are being lifted up.  Say a prayer for Markham Orange, he is been feeling sick this evening, but it is good his Mom and doctor is here.  We pray that he is ready to travel tomorrow.

Last post for this day and tomorrow.  By the way we have reached almost 7,000 page views on the blog.  Thanks for checking in.


  1. Looks like it was a perfect ending to a perfect trip. Best wishes for a safe and non-eventful day of travel. We look forward to seeing you tonight and hearing about all of your adventures!

  2. Definitely a perfect ending! Praying that Markham is feeling better this morning and that your day of travel is smooth, fun & fast! Can't wait to see everyone!!
    The Millers :)

  3. Praying for safe travel home.

    Markham, I'm praying that you are feeling AOK today and will have a pleasant trip. Your menagerie is missing you and your family and will be so happy to see yall!
