Nick Bingham, Caleb Ellis, Colter Ellis, Ben Hagaman, Laurel Hagaman, Holly Miller, Adam Morgan, Markham Orange, Taylor Smith, Aaron Whittemore, Hanna Hagaman, Scott Hagaman, Melanie Orange, Steve Pierce, Matt Roberts, Dan Smith.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 8: Monday - Marla's and San Pedro

We are in San Pedro ahead of schedule!!  The youth spent the morning playing with the children at Marla's House of Hope and had a group photo with the completed mural.  Melanie, Lydia,  Grace, and Felipe spent many hours on it, and the results speak for themselves.

The mural is on a wall where the children have their meals.  Imagine how it brightens the room and remind them that Jesus loves all children.

There were lots of hugs as we said goodbye to the children.  There were some thank-you notes and cards made by the children for our youth.  They left knowing that what they did mattered in the lives of the children there.

After a quick lunch at the BTC we checked out and drove to the Art Box, a nice gift shop just outside Belmopan.  A few more souvenirs tucked away and we were off to Belize City to meet the water taxi.  We arrived before the 3:30 taxi, so were bumped up our departure to 3:30 instead of 5:00; so we arrived in Sam Pedro at 5:15 instead of 7:00.  Everyone is checked in to the Paradise Villas (free Wi-Fi by the way) and relaxing until dinner at 6:45.  We will eat at a restaurant a short walk away and then return for devotions.

Pictures of the area tomorrow morning.  Tuesday is snorkeling in the morning and pool time in the afternoon.  Weather is nice, sunny with a sea breeze on arrival.

Everyone is well and ready to eat.  More tomorrow.


  1. The mural is absolutely beautiful! Melanie, Lydia, Grace, & Felipe, y'all did an incredible job on it! The colors are so vibrant!

    I'm sure that the children will not soon forget all that y'all have done and the kindness & love that you showed them.

    Enjoy San Pedro!
    Cy, Ellen, & Emily

  2. Great job on the mural..it is beautiful! Glad to hear everyone is well and beginning the R & R part of the trip. Even more happy hearing you got to play with the kids at Marla's home and I know a great impact was made on both sides!
    Much love and prayers!
    Debbie, John, Rachael and Morgan

  3. The mural is beautiful! I hope everyone has a wonderful time during your R & R.


  4. Absolutely gorgeous mural! Greg and I both got teary:) I know the kids will love seeing it every day, and it will remind them of the love of Christ shown through all of you. How wonderful that you were able to spend some time with them this morning! We are so proud of all of you for your hard work and love for others and each other.

    Greg said he is glad the chickens didn't get Eric at Clarissa Falls;)

    Grace, we could not be more proud of you! We miss you so much and can't wait to hear all of your stories! Molly said to tell you how much she loves and misses you:)

    Love and prayers,
    Greg, Heather, MOLLY, Don, and Shirley

  5. Wow! The mural is beautiful!!! Words cannot express how moved I am! I have been thinking about each of you and praying for you as you Shine in Belize. And boy did you Shine in your artwork, painting of buildings, and interaction with and love toward the children! You have truly been the Light of the World in Belize!

    God's peace as you continue on your journey!

    Ruthie :)

  6. Felipe Im very proud of you and your painting group!! I was so emotional,you know me. Many blessing for all the missionaries and be safe swimming.

    Martha Rocio

  7. The mural is magnificent!

    Now everyone go have fun! Play as hard as you worked, and be safe!


  8. Excellent job on the mural. It is wonderful to share your gifts with others. The artwork will we inspirational for years to come.
