Nick Bingham, Caleb Ellis, Colter Ellis, Ben Hagaman, Laurel Hagaman, Holly Miller, Adam Morgan, Markham Orange, Taylor Smith, Aaron Whittemore, Hanna Hagaman, Scott Hagaman, Melanie Orange, Steve Pierce, Matt Roberts, Dan Smith.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 7: Sunday - Worship and Xunantunich (part 2)

Our youth sang beautifully this morning at Belmopan Baptist Church.  The video file is too large to upload, but it will be posted as soon as we are home.

We left for Xunantunich at 1:30 (after church) and had time to shop at the small market and then explore the ruins.  The group photo shows El Castillio in the background, which I believe, everyone climbed.  More pictures from the top will have to wait until later.

Tonight we are packing up and getting ready to spend the morning with the kids at Marla's and complete the mural.  We then load up at the BTC and travel to Belize City to get a water taxi to San Pedro.  We should be in San Pedro after 6:00 PM, check in and then eat dinner at a local restaurant.  Tuesday and Wednesday will be R&R activities and pool time at our resort.

There is no guarantee that I will haveInternet service on San Pedro, so you may or may not see blog posts.  Just keep checking, but don't be alarmed if there are no posts for a day or so.


  1. Everyone looks GREAT! In case you can't get internet access, we are praying that the rest of your adventures are fun and that your return home in safe...and FAST! I think y'all can tell from the posts from the others that we are all missing you here in Marion!
    God Bless all of you for the awesome work you have done there in Belize!
    ** Holly, Ryder is doing great! He's gotten bigger & sassier! :}
    Cy, Ellen, & Emily

  2. Thanks for the pictures and updates. From your stellar work to your spendid voices I know that God's light has been shining through. We are wishing you safe travel and some well earned and deserved fun time.

    Melanie & Steve Mc.

  3. Hi, to all of you, have a great time and thousand blessings during the following days.
    Felipe I feel so happy to see you giving the best!!! Love you. Marha Rocio
